Engineer To Order ERP

Engineer To Order (ETO) ERP

Engineering to order is a type of manufacturing where the product is designed, engineered, and produced after the order is received. With ETO a manufacturer can meet the exact specifications of their customer. Engineering To Order ERP is designed to solve the problems faced by companies in the ETO manufacturing environment. ETO companies need ETO ERP to support their unique manufacturing processes such as scheduling, vendor management, resource allocation, inventory management, CRM, financial management estimations & production.

Also, ETO ERP helps companies to support their processes in regard to resource planning, product design, cost allocation, material allocating, communication & customer interactions. With the right Engineering To order, ERP solution companies gain real-time insight into daily bases operations processes.

If you are running an Engineering to order company, you know how hard, problematic, and expensive delays can be. Bista Solutions Engineering to Order ERP provides real-time insight to ETO manufacturers to streamline the Quote-to-invoice process, Order-to-sale, improve operational functionality, & manage financial costing. Our Engineer order ERP maximizes return on investment by:

  • Increase sales by increasing the sales-win ratio
  • Lower operational cost
  • Simpler and precise Quotations
  • Increased resource productivity
  • Hardly any Errors
  • Reduced engineering time
  • Better product design and optimization
  • Better communication with clients
  • No delay
  • Increased profitability

Bista Solutions Engineer-To-Order ERP

Some of the benefits offered by Bista Solutions:

  • Improve Product Design: Bista Solutions Engineering To Order ERP solutions provides a platform to connect manufacturers & customers electronically, so they can constantly share product design till finalized.
  • Configure Price Quotes: Our ETO ERP offers an import and export of multi-level bills of materials from and to the design model. Bill of material application helps manufacturers to control over development & re-visioning of the product.
  • Streamline Purchases & Control Inventory: Ensure easy and fast communication of purchases from suppliers across the globe with our purchase order functionality. Our MRP application enables manufacturers to calculate what they need, and when they need it, taking in consideration the supply and demand, lead times, current inventory levels & order policies.
  • Accelerate Production Schedules: With our MES and Work-in-progress app you can maintain accurate material in progress, capture costing, and tracking of time, & overheads consumed in production.

Odoo Engineer To Order ERP

Bista Solutions is an ERP consulting company with more than 2 decades of industry expertise. If you are looking for an ERP implementation, contact us by filling out the form.