Odoo Request for Quotation Merge App

  • by bista-admin
  • Jan 09, 2017
  • 0
  • Category:


Odoo 10 is the most revolutionary ERP present in the market with its amazing features and user-friendly interface. With the help of the odoo team, partners, and all contributors worldwide odoo has evolved at a very high pace.

Odoo Apps:

There are various apps in odoo both for community and enterprise editions related to manufacturing, e-commerce, accounting, sales, purchases, etc. These apps are divided into the category of free/paid ones.

Request For Quotation Merge App:

For odoo community and enterprise versions, this app supports combining or merging requests for quotation documents. When we have multiple quotations for the same vendor it can be useful to merge them all into one before creating a purchase order and sending it. A new request for quotation with a new reference is generated and the originals are canceled. Merging works if multiple vendors and quotations are selected. If multiple vendors are selected, one merged quotation per vendor will be created.

How does Quotation Merge App Work?

Step 1: Create one request for quotation:

For example: In the below screenshot we could see a request for quotation is created with currency and warehouse location to be filled as mandatory.


Step 2: Create a second request for quotation:

Considering the same vendor name, currency, and stock location another quotation is created

Create second request for quotation

Step 3: Select and Merge Quotations:

After the creation of quotations select both of them from ‘Treeview’ following the below navigation

Action –> Merge Request for Quotation

A pop-up window will appear in which we need to check whether the conditions are followed or not unless merging could not be done

Select and Merge Quotations 1 Select and Merge Quotations 2


As the conditions are followed so simply click on the ‘Confirm Merge ‘ button and customers will see that a new purchase order with a new reference number has been generated which includes the merging of both quotations.


This was all about the ‘Odoo Request For Quotation Merge App’.We hope this snippet of the Quotation Merge App helps you to get some insights into odoo. Stay tuned for more information on odoo.

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